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I became a single mother to a beautiful boy when I was 24 years old. I loved nothing more than being his mother. He was adorable, smart, funny and very very active. I didn't know or recognize the early warning signs of ADHD, so when he was repeatedly sent to the principles office in kindergarten, I became increasingly worried. He was identified as a 'behavior problem'. He spent a lot of time seperated from his classmates and i got frequent notes home saying, "I had a bad day" from his teacher. I had people who educated me along the way, we got a diagnosis, treatment and support. I learned to navigate the school system and became an advocate for my child. As a mother, I had to come to terms with my own fears, dissapointments and resentment about my sons mental illness. Some of these lessons were painful for me. At one point, I spoke out loud, "This is not the child I would have choosen". From that point forward, I was able to let him be himself. I learned that I was going to be the one to teach him how to identify and understand his symptoms. This was not in any 'What to expect' when you're parenting book! I found strengths in myself and in my son that I never would have known. Today, that little boy is about to turn 19. He is a an employee, a student, and an amazing young man.



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Janie's Story

"Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of, but stigma and bias shame us all."

Bill Clinton

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